Technology and Fil Society

Technology and Fil Society

Tungao Central Elementary School
Department of Education Butuan City

When you hear the word “Technology”, what immediately comes into your mind? Does it give you positive thoughts? Or does it bring forth negative vibes all along? But before each one of you spill out both your literal and experiential meaning of the word, let me share you an overview of where the word was coined from. The term technology is a combination of two Greek words, “techne” and “logia”.

Techne means art, craft, or skill while logia means the sum of techniques, methods, and processes. In short, technology means, the knowledge of techniques, processes and the like, and even the simplest forms of development with the use of basic tools.

In addition to that, I even conducted a survey in my neighborhood. According to them, technology means implying practical applications of what you knew into actions and that give convenience to our daily living.

It includes the use of materials, tools, techniques, and the sources of power to make life easier or more pleasant. And in terms of work, it becomes more productive. Technology is everywhere; home, school, public places, work, and anywhere! But, is it really beneficial to us? Does it help our society progressive in all the aspects of life? Does it strengthen our values and personal relationship with others? Well, here are some pros and cons to give us deeper understanding.

In this present time, our society is competing globally. And it is because of the technology which plays a vital role in striving for progress. As we can see, (a) INFRASTRUCTURES around us is really evolving. It helps our economic status boom in any way.

Now, we have big and tall buildings, malls and resorts everywhere, factories and telecommunication companies that gives livelihood to the citizens. In terms of (b) TRANSPORTATION, traveling comfortably is the first and only welfare you can render to the people. That is why, we have lots of options offered; cars, busses, trains, motorbikes, ships, planes, etc. In the field of (c) EDUCATION, it creates a more learner-based environment. It promotes more hands-on activity, more interactive class discussion, more creative thinking activity that widens the learner’s horizon (worldwide perception), and the like.

By the use of internet, laptop, notebook, iPad, and computer, it helps the learning environment more exciting and easier. Why? Because doing research and acquiring needed information is faster and learners are being exposed to the latest application used in school. And having these gadgets (printer, scanner, photocopier machine, and the like) helps the school children in making their school requirements more convenient. And for the field of (d) HEALTH, it improves and saves countless lives all along. For instance, the ill people are given prevention and even cure for some. That somehow gives hope, joy and light to the family. Even the people at the farthest places are reached out already due to some app that can be seen online. Where in case of emergency, you know what to do and perform the remedy needed for the betterment of others. Another aspect is (e) TOURISM, it can promote the beautiful and amazing places of our country in just a click worldwide. This task is not limited to the professionals but can be performed by the common citizens freely and sincerely.

On the other hand, it has disadvantages too. Let me start with the (a) ENVIRONMENT. The factories that threw off gasses can cause air pollution that may become a reason of health plague. Let’s continue with (b) HEALTH, it causes obesity and mental disorder. Obesity because people who are addicted to gadgets tend to snack a lot, keep late hours exposing in it, have less exercise because all of the spare time is being spent in there alone and felt lazy always due to the radiation and less blood circulation. There is poor eyesight, head pain, bad posture, hearing loss, and tendonitis (the rigid usage to thumb) also. Mental disorder because people tend to invest more emotions in it. According to the latest study, one of the rampant mental disorder nowadays is called “Chronic Smartphone Stress”. The person keeps on anticipating of constant message or email or notification from someone every now and then, the fingers are uncontrollable through pressing on phone screen every second. Now, let’s have (c) EDUCATION. Analysis and Critical Thinking have declined because the learners won’t read books anymore and becomes dependent on the internet. Instead of reading, surfing over the net is preferable. The “copy and paste” habit is widespread. Owning someone’s work is called “Plagiarism” and you can be filed a case against it if you are caught. Another is less academic performance. It is because of the many “apps online”. Learner like me is tempted to subscribe in it rather than studying and reading books or informative write ups. This time let’s have (d) Social Skill. It becomes poor, very very poor! Why? It is common to all of us. Because anywhere you go, whether you’re talking or spending time with someone is so hard to spend it with quality.

Why? You may be physically present but mentally and emotionally absent. For example, at home while having a family time with your loved ones. Instead of talking to them, laughing with them, sharing your experiences and whereabouts in life, YOU prefer to do something on Facebook, watch videos on YouTube, etc. Because you think it is cool to be in the new trend of having leisure time over the net without even realizing that your personal relationship with the people around you is falling apart already. In connection to that is the (e) PRIVACY AND SECURITY of someone. Security because these scenarios are rampant online; cyber bullying, online sex crime and cybercrime. You must be vigilant who you chat with or exchange messages at all times. Privacy because all your personal information is clearly exposed on Facebook page. Maybe someone will use your account and steal your identity while doing unpleasant things around like online scam.

Everyone! Time to ponder! The pros and cons of technology! What I’ve shared and said are all present and visible in our society today. Technology is good but use it in a wise way! Let me leave you this quote I made, “Living in this fast changing world with new and high-calibre technologies, makes me more clever and vigilant in any way!” A productive day to us all! ###

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