Mahayag Elementary School joins Kabataan Karapatan Caravan (KKC) with Commission on Human Rights Caraga

Mahayag Elementary School joins Kabataan Karapatan Caravan (KKC) with Commission on Human Rights Caraga
Head Teacher II, Mahayag Elementary School
West Butuan District I, Division of Butuan City
Mahayag Elementary School extends its heartfelt appreciation to the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) Caraga for their invaluable contribution in sharing essential information about the rights of the child. We are grateful to Sir Oliver, Ma’am Shay, and Mam Ling for their enlightening presentations, which empowered our 45 eager learners with knowledge about their fundamental rights.
Basic First Aid
Furthermore, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to Sir Gayon for conducting a basic first aid session. His expertise and guidance have equipped our students with crucial life-saving skills, enabling them to respond effectively in emergency situations. We greatly value his efforts in promoting safety and well-being among our students.
BATA, Mahalaga ka!
In addition to the enriching sessions, CHR Caraga graciously provided our participants with nutritious snacks and a sumptuous lunch, ensuring that their physical well-being was taken care of throughout the event. The provision of health kits to each learner further exemplified CHR Caraga’s dedication to our students’ overall welfare, and we cannot emphasize enough how grateful we are for this thoughtful gesture.
The entire day was truly enlightening and fulfilling for all involved. The knowledge gained, combined with the practical skills acquired, will undoubtedly have a lasting impact on our students’ lives. We are immensely grateful to CHR Caraga for their unwavering commitment to promoting human rights education and empowering our learners to become informed and responsible citizens.
Once again, our heartfelt thanks go out to CHR Caraga, Sir Oliver, Ma’am Shay, Mam Ling, and Sir Gayon for making this event a resounding success. Your contributions have left an indelible mark on our students, and we look forward to future collaborations that continue to inspire and educate the young minds of Mahayag Elementary School. ###

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