Taligaman CES Teachers conduct School-Based INSET

Taligaman CES Teachers conduct School-Based INSET
Taligaman Central Elementary School teachers conducted School-based In-Service Training (INSET) virtually during the mid-year break of DepEd on February 2-4, 2022, per DepEd Memo No. 029, s. 2021. It aimed to continue the teachers’ professional development and prepare Instructional Materials (IMs) for the learners.
Mrs. Sanchez -the School Principal with the Master Teacher- Mrs. Pero assigned teachers to discuss a specific topic. On the first day, Mrs. Catherine B. Arconada -the ESP District Coordinator discussed the Counseling and Referral of the learners. On the second day, February 3, 2022, morning session, Personality Development was discussed by Mrs. Venus D. Pero-Master Teacher and Clinic-In-Charge of the school. In the afternoon, School-Based Management was tackled by Mrs. Merlyn D. Sanchez-Principal IV of Taligaman CES. Finally, on the last day, Mathematics Assessment was discussed and facilitated by Mrs. Diosita Labadia and Mrs. Lovely Rose L. Amolo, Mathematics teachers of the school.
Indeed, the activity finished smoothly and was productive. It keeps the teachers refreshed and updated in line with their work and grow professionally. ###

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