ML Pineda intensifies ‘Adopt A School’ project

ML Pineda Elementary School
As the policy of the government to provide quality and relevant education to the Filipino youth and to encourage private initiative to support public education, ML Pineda with its throng of private and non-LGU linkages and stakeholders extended their effort in strengthening its partnership through rendering their financial and other types of assistances.

“This is a consorted help from our generous stakeholders and partners “, Jeefry K. Batulan, School Adopt-A-School Coordinator mentioned.
Based from the Adopt A School Report, HRPTA pahina, Project-Based, and donations had 49,950.00 pesos, 36,300.00 pesos, and 49,940.00 pesos gathered amount respectively.

In addition, the project-based activity will be the flower box beautification purposely set to make the school conducive to stay.
Until now, the school continues to contact other external partnership and stakeholders for another set of future partnered activity for students’ quality education. ###