Tungao Central ES orchestrates community outreach program

by: Jonas H. Jomonong, Ph. D.

One of the best ways to gain better understanding on the current situations of a certain community is to conduct community outreach program.  This gives pupils the opportunity to get involved in community service with regard to environmental issues and concerns which the community is facing or experiencing.  Furthermore, it allows them to explore various volunteer opportunities and learn more about the said community. 


Tungao Central Elementary School responded to this call by immersing the pupils and teachers to take part on the community outreach program through community clean-up drive last March 14, 2017.  It was participated by the grade-IV to grade-VI pupils with their advisers, Hon. Ann Margaret Alim, kagawad in-charge of Education, GPTA officers and parents.


Mr. Roldan Alanano, SPG adviser gave a short orientation to the participants on the dos and don’ts while having the clean-up drive.  He said that they must not go away with the group and ask their adviser their personal concerns in order to avoid untoward incidents.  They brought cleaning materials like brooms, gloves, socks and cellophanes.  The wastes they collected will be segregated and placed those can be sold to the MRF of the Material Recovery Facility.


On the other hand, the grade-I to grade-III pupils had their institutional clean-up drive within the school premises on the same date.  This is to raise the level of awareness on the importance of maintaining cleanliness of the surroundings.


Furthermore, this community engagement promotes self-sufficiency and community belonging through neighborhood environmental services that aims to navigate to the people living in the community to take an active part in the conservation and protection of the environment. # # #

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