You Are Not Allowed! Agoy, Mapriso Ka!

You Are Not Allowed! Agoy, Mapriso Ka!
Is it possible for the school to display the student’s photo on the website if he or she receives an award? If a teacher has a social media account, can she upload a photo of herself with her students?
The importance of student privacy in the education process is pivotal. One of the most popular topics on educational boards and forums is student privacy. Parents and kids are taking steps to safeguard their personal information, and they are urging the entire school community to do the same. Students frequently expose their data to security dangers when using school computers and networks for educational purposes.
Even though most teachers are worried about pupils being distracted by their phones and laptops, few consider data privacy. Every time students access the school’s computers or use the free WiFi, they run the danger of typical security breaches.  The data of the pupils may be in danger if the computers and networks at the school are not secure. In addition, there are other ways that students’ data can be shared with the educational process outside only using digital devices. Schools frequently request various kinds of personal information. They are frequently requested for their home addresses or other delicate household details. If the educational facility doesn’t have sufficient security policies and procedures in place, all information disclosed to it could be at risk.
It is therefore a mandatory that school-based should have a data privacy policy that should address this question and all schools should have one. The Data Privacy Act (DPA) of 2012 requires all organizations processing personal data to put in place “organizational, technical and physical security measures” to protect the personal data that they process, and to inform the data subjects of the how’s and whys of that process.
Rules and regulations for the proper administration of student data must be part of the educational system. In all academic levels, preventing the abuse of personal data is crucial.  The educational journey of pupils can be improved using digital gadgets and comparable technologies. On the other hand, there may be drawbacks to using smart gadgets in the classroom and around the school.
Moreover, as a teacher, it is our job to encourage students to learn more about basic internet privacy and security risks and teach them why protecting their IP addresses is crucial for data security.
So can a school post, on its website or social media account, the picture of a child that won an award? To answered, “The school would have to make the determination of the most appropriate lawful basis for processing, taking into account all relevant circumstances of the processing, adherence to the general data privacy principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality, as well as the students’ reasonable expectation of privacy and the impact on their rights and freedoms,” the NPC said. ###

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