How to Effectively Become a Genuine Teacher in New Normal Education

How to Effectively Become a Genuine Teacher in New Normal Education
ML Pineda Elementary School
Becoming a teacher to the hearts of many whose linage is for teaching, being a mentor to all various types of learners aren’t anymore a puzzle. This has become much easier before, but when suddenly this pandemic threat has shuttered everyone’s minds and life perspective it has changed everyone’s perspective.

In a normal classroom setting, children move to the anchor of the teacher. Everybody plays and acts his roles in accordance of the rules set by the classroom teacher regardless of physical distancing and health concerns. Are these happening right now?

We cannot deny the devastating effect of this COVID-19 and it has not been a secret that education systems here and abroad are truly affected. But what’s still to remain?
Pursuing the call of imparting the basic knowledge, skills and learning behaviour to the students are always be the main concerns of the teachers despite the current pandemic threat.
To answer these, the following are the ways to genuinely become a teacher to this new normal education:
1. Being Prepared
Trained to face every battle inside and outside the teaching arena before the pandemic has stricken, he prepared his lessons a few days or weeks before they are actually delivered to his students. A teacher is armoured with the necessary compartments where skills are taken from there ready to be supplemented to all learners.
Perhaps, this new normal education equipped the teachers to relatively adapt to its system and worked closely to attain its common goal: to teach students the quality education they deserve.

2. Make students as active members of society they belong

In the midst of this new normal, our kids must be taught with the importance of seeing themselves as part of the community and that they take part of the identifying and solving existing problems in the community they belong. This misjudges our students’ capacities to organize and make change.
3. Authorize and encourage students’ identities outside of their comfort zone
Making students feel that they are appreciated and welcomed enables them realize their fullest potentials and they can probably come out from their comfort zone. ###

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