DepEd Butuan announces SBM Level 3 Schools

Public Schools District Supervisor
East Butuan District III
Butuan City Division
DepEd Butuan City Division recently announced 10 schools recognized as SBM Level 3 Practitioner Division Level through division memorandum no. 307, s. 2021 dated August 10, 2021.
The 10 schools were Butuan Central Elementary School of Central Butuan District I, Basag NHS of East III, Banza NHS of North, Bagong Silang NHS of South II, Pigdaulan NHS and Tagabaca ES of Southeast I, Aupagan NHS of Southeast II, San Vicente NHS of Southwest, Libertad NHS of West I and Pareja IS of West III.
The said 10 schools with their school head, teachers, and stakeholders have undergone a thorough validation process through document analysis, observation, and discussion (DOD) by the division validating team. Furthermore, these schools will be validated by the SBM regional validating team comes September 2021.
School-Based Management (SBM) is a strategy to improve education by transferring significant decision-making authority from state and district offices to individual schools. When implemented effectively, SBM creates more effective learning environments for children. ###