Navigating Excellence in Education through Project VERITE

PSDS, Southwest Butuan District
The roles and responsibilities of a district supervisor conceive a lot of spectrums-a spectrum that is led by magnificent guidelines-the DepEd’s vision and mission that add invigorating backbone and beauty in one’s existence in the organization. These bear the realization of one’s dream of producing quality teachers and school heads imbued with the necessary values and 21st century competencies and skills as tools for nation-building through quality education. These teachers and school heads are nurtured in a learner-centered learning environment where their rights are valued, diversity is respected, and value as a person is nurtured with the synergistic collaboration among the various supportive stakeholders.
VERITÉ is a French word which means “TRUTH” or the state of being true.
Project VERITÉ stands for Voyage for Excellence in education through Research, Innovations, Technical assistance and strategic monitoring engagements and Empowerment of schools.
Achieving excellence in education is a long and arduous journey which has many roadblocks and challenges. This can only be attained by providing long-term, strategic, and true engagements in technical assistance and monitoring which is one of the KRAs of the district supervisors.
Furthermore, it also highlights research and innovations as major components of the project in addressing learning gaps/losses. It is a well-known fact that East Butuan District III is the home of innovations in the entire Butuan City Division showcasing various school innovations and best practices which are replicated by other schools not only in Caraga region but also in other regions as well and were also recognized by the central office.
Project VERITÉ aims to capacitate the nine (9) school heads and some teachers in the district or even in other districts on how to conduct action research in order to address common and existing school problems with research-based solutions and recommendations, develop innovations to close the gap on learning outcomes, provide them with appropriate and timely technical assistance and conduct regular monitoring to ensure effective delivery and implementation of various PAPs, and empower schools in addressing their unique needs and context as emphasized on RA 9155.
The following are the key features of Project VERITÉ:
Research. Learning gaps/losses are better addressed through research.
Innovations. Innovation practices build a culture of continuous improvement, learning, growth, and development.
Technical assistance and strategic monitoring engagements. Well-engaged education leaders in providing technical assistance and monitoring engagements is pivotal in achieving quality leaders, quality teachers, quality learners, quality performances and quality schools in general.
Empowerment of schools. When schools are empowered, there is empowerment for improvement in plans and actions, professional learning, funding, equity and adequacy, and accountability for learning outcomes. ###