Celebrating the Future: 111th Graduation Rites at Butuan Central Elementary School

Celebrating the Future: 111th Graduation Rites at Butuan Central Elementary School
Master Teacher II/ Instructional Head
Butuan Central Elementary School
Butuan Central Elementary School marked a significant milestone on May 31, 2024, as it celebrated its 111th Graduation Rites. The event, held under the inspiring theme “Filipino Youth for a Stronger Future of the New Philippines,” underscored the pivotal role of education in shaping the next generation of Filipinos who will lead the country towards progress and development.
The theme resonates deeply with the core values of our educational mission, emphasizing that today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders, innovators, and nation-builders. It highlights our collective responsibility to equip our youth with the knowledge, skills, and values necessary to contribute positively to society and drive the nation forward.
A Momentous Occasion
The graduation ceremony was a momentous occasion for the 663 candidates—315 boys and 306 girls—who have successfully completed their elementary education. The graduates, dressed in their best attire, radiated joy and pride as they gathered to celebrate their achievements and look forward to the future.
Key Personalities and Attendees
The ceremony was graced by distinguished guests and school officials. The presentation of candidates for graduation was led by our dedicated School Principal IV, Dr. Luisito G. Pero. The recommendation for graduation was provided by the District Supervisor, Mrs. Leona A. Carmelo, and the confirmation was given by the Schools Division Superintendent, Dr. Minerva T. Albis. Their presence and participation underscored the importance of this event and the achievements of our students.
In addition to the school officials, the ceremony was attended by all teachers who have been instrumental in the academic and personal growth of the students. SPTA Officials, barangay officials, and other esteemed guests also joined the celebration, making it a truly community-wide event.
Highlights of the Ceremony
The graduation rites included a series of heartfelt speeches, inspirational messages, and the awarding of diplomas and special recognitions. Each speech reflected the collective aspiration of nurturing the Filipino youth to become responsible, skilled, and patriotic citizens. The speakers emphasized the importance of resilience, dedication, and continuous learning as the graduates move on to the next stage of their educational journey.
A Commitment to Excellence
The success of this event is a testament to the collaborative efforts of the entire Butuan Central Elementary School community. From the teachers who have imparted knowledge and values, to the parents who have supported their children, and the officials who have guided the school, each played a vital role in reaching this milestone.
Looking Forward
As the 111th batch of graduates embarks on their new journey, we are filled with hope and confidence that they will contribute significantly to the development of the Philippines. We believe that with the strong foundation they have built at Butuan Central Elementary School, they are well-prepared to face future challenges and seize opportunities that will shape a better and stronger nation.
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Your achievements today are just the beginning of your journey towards making a meaningful impact in society. May you continue to strive for excellence and become the vanguards of a brighter future for the Philippines.
Gratitude and Acknowledgment
We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who made this event possible. To our esteemed guests, school officials, teachers, parents, and students, thank you for your unwavering support and dedication. Together, we have celebrated not just an end, but a new beginning filled with promise and potential.
Let us continue to work together in our shared mission of educating and empowering the youth, ensuring a progressive and prosperous future for the new Philippines. ###

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