BCES Recognition and Moving-Up Ceremonies: Tribute to the Proud Parents

BCES Recognition and Moving-Up Ceremonies: Tribute to the Proud Parents
Master Teacher II/ Instructional Head
Butuan Central Elementary School
The last week of May has been extra hectic for teachers as they prepare for the big days of their awardees from Kindergarten to Grade VI. Academic awards as well as special recognition for specific disciplines were meticulously determined and evaluated.
Awards and Recognition
Giving awards to our learners can be one of the most effective ways to provide positive feedback and affirmations to the good performances they contributed to the school, the community and to their families. These recognitions are mandated through DepEd Order 16 series 2016 – Policy Guidelines on Awards and Recognition for K-12 Basic Education Program.
Constructive Outcome
The holistic development of each young citizen is the entirety of the crafting of the guidelines of the department. This also prepare the children to become more confident, yet humbled by their achievements, resilient and develop in them the sense of nationalism.
Tribute to Proud Parents and Guardians
There are no other persons who can be the proudest of the achievements of their children compared to their parents. As Butuan Central Elementary School honors the biggest participation of our parents and guardians as stakeholders, we offer the modest yet most memorable recognition days to the learners and most specially to the parents. As these awardees transfer their medals to their parents as their gesture of gratitude to their hard work and perseverance, while singing “Thanks to You”, teary-eyed as they applaud for everyone’s joint efforts in making this school year a blast. ###

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