NFOT set in July, provides learning opportunities

Bugabus Elementary School
South Butuan District I
The conduct of this year’s National Festival of Talents (NFOT) is set on July 17 to 21 in Region X (Northern Mindanao). The event is anchored on the theme “Reinforcing 21st Century Learning and Fostering Creative Industries through Talents and Skills Exhibition”.
The NFOT, as a co-curricular activity, is a clear and proactive reinforcement of the teaching and learning process and reflects the significant association between what the learners learned in school and what they performed and produced during this activity. The conduct of NFOT is consistent with the MATATAG education agenda: Take care of learners by promoting learner well-being, inclusive education programs, and ensuring that all learners, regardless of background, have access to quality learning opportunities and services.
The participation of the 2023 NFOT is voluntary and shall not affect the time-on-task of teachers as this activity’s target learning standards and competencies are already embedded in teachers’ actual classroom teaching and assessment process.
For the past years, NFOT has provided basic education learners with relevant and meaningful learning opportunities and reflected on how well they perform in schools as the target learning competencies of this activity are also captured in the National Achievement Test (NAT). It enables learners to demonstrate their best products, services, and performances as authentic pieces of evidence of their learning across academic areas, key stages, inclusion, and special curricular programs.
For this year, the 2023 NFOT aims to provide opportunities for learners from public and private elementary and secondary schools, as well as those from the Alternative Learning System (ALS), Indigenous People Education (IPED), Special Needs Education Program (SNEd), and Madrasah Education Program (MEP) to showcase their talents and skills and explore the culture of the host region. It also provides a platform for strengthening teachers’ and learners’ knowledge and skillsets as they listen to the invaluable insights shared by the invited panel of experts.
The events of the 2023 NFOT shall be conducted in different modalities: in-person, online, video recorded, and hybrid. ###