DepEd Butuan Holds Pag-Inambitay 2023: A Continuous Improvement (CI) Congress on Literacy and Numeracy

Principal IV
Butuan Central Elementary School
The Butuan City Division of the Department of Education (DepEd) is making continued efforts to ensure that all of the students enrolled in the division receive an education of sufficient quality. To achieve this, it looks for new methods to improve the education system, implements potential solutions, and monitors its progress in order to guarantee that the system will continue to be efficient, effective, and responsive to the requirements imposed on it by its various stakeholders.
According to Section 14 of Republic Act No. 9155, also known as the “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001,” the Department of Education is tasked with the responsibility of protecting and promoting the right of all citizens to quality basic education that is pertinent to the needs of the people and society. This obligation was given to the Department of Education in order to fulfill the requirements of the “Governance of Basic Education Act of 2001.” In addition to this, it promotes the utilization of local planning in the formulation of educational policies and initiatives. Pag-Inambitay 2023 is a Continuous Improvement (CI) Congress on Literacy and Numeracy, which is being held by the DepEd Butuan City Division as a response. This is being done through division memorandum number 072, series of 2023. This congress is being held after the CI projects of the select schools in the division have been satisfactorily evaluated and concluded.

The Department of Education (DepEd) uses a quality management system to accomplish its goal of continuous improvement. This system includes a number of processes, including planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. With the help of this method, the department is able to determine what needs to be fixed, establish goals, make adjustments, and continually monitor its progress.
In addition, the purpose of the memorandum is to highlight and celebrate the success of the gains made in the implementation of the CI project, gather the information and processes that need to be benchmarked to increase literary and numeracy competence among schoolchildren, and share the best practices on addressing literacy and numeracy through the implementation of a school CI project. This will be done by sharing the best practices on addressing literacy and numeracy through the implementation of a school CI project.
Additionally, the CI teams that will be participating in the activity will demonstrate the process of their project through a video presentation as well as a booth display in order to show their results and accomplishments for the purposes of benchmarking.
In order to provide a basis for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the education system, identifying priority areas for improvement, and evaluating the effectiveness of interventions, DepEd Butuan is constantly seeking improvement efforts through the conduct of innovative research and evaluation studies. This is done in the hope of improved student outcomes, increased teacher effectiveness, higher overall school performance, and a higher overall quality of education. ###