TNHS-STE Program Fun Day: A moment of relish

Being in the STE Program is not easy. Why? As an STE Coordinator, I witness how students strive hard to study all nine subjects and comply with all the requirements given by the teachers. STE students need to follow the required grades based on the STE guidelines to maintain in the program. Because of some concern issues within the program, the Academic Head, Mr. Glen B. Pacot, Science Department Head, Mrs. Janet T. Marasigan, and the STE Coordinator, Mrs. Josie G. Gemida, decided to organize an STE Fun Day Activity to give them time to enjoy and enhance their intellectual, social, and emotional aspect of life, outside the four corners of the classroom.
Last February 3, 2023, the Science, Technology, and Engineering (STE) Program of Taligaman National High School conducted its first-ever Fun Day Activity. It was participated by all STE students from Grade 7 to Grade 10 and all the Science Teachers. Quiz Bowl, Process Skills, Research, Output Display, and Science Olympics were among the activities joined by the students. They were able to develop, explore and practice different skills in the field of Science while having fun at the same time.

Indeed, it was a great day for the students to treasure and cherish.
“I enjoyed the activities, especially the Research. I was able to conquer my fear of answering questions from the jurors. I was also inspired by the stories shared with us by the speakers. I am proud to be in the STE Program,” Kristylle Zyrah Dacula, a Grade 7 STE student commented.
The STE students marveled and enjoyed the activity and the knowledge shared with them. Moreover, they were inspired more to pursue their studies in the program until they graduated from Junior High School. ###