Schools, SDOs are encourage to support NHM celebration

Bugabus Elementary School
South Butuan District I
The month of May in every year was declared as the National Heritage Month (NHM) per Presidential Proclamation No. 430, s. 2003. The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) announces the observance of this year with the theme, innovates to preserve products of human creativity and recognize the need to create consciousness, respect, and love for the legacies of Filipino cultural history.
All schools, schools division offices (SDOs), and regional offices (ROs) are encouraged to support the 2023 NHM by undertaking related activities.
The month-long celebration highlights the four sub-themes: Sustainable Heritage Management which covers the practice of managing change and risk in heritage and maximizing its social, cultural, and economic benefits for the current and future generations; Heritage Science: an interdisciplinary domain of study involving the use of innovative and creative interventions in the understanding, conservation, and use of heritage; Intangible Cultural Heritage: intergenerational transmission and the provision of a sense of identity across time, where transmission relies upon constant re-creation in the present context; and Urban Heritage: the conservation of urban heritage in the context of managing urban growth and change in 21st-century cities.
Participation of learners and teachers from public and private schools shall be purely voluntary and not hamper instructional time. ###