DepEd Butuan City Division Celebrates 2023 National Women’s Month

DepEd Butuan City Division Celebrates 2023 National Women’s Month
Master Teacher I
Butuan Central Elementary School
The Department of Education (DepEd) Butuan City Division participates in the celebration of Women’s Month in the month of March.
Republic Act No. 6949, also known as the “National Women’s Month Celebration Act,” encourages the conduct of activities that celebrate and promote the role of women in society. These activities may include conferences, forums, workshops, seminars, and other similar activities. DepEd Butuan City, in response, issued division memorandum number 065, series of 2023, to encourage schools to participate in the National Women’s Month celebration.
Women’s Month in the Philippines is an important occasion that highlights the crucial role of women in society and promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment. It is a reminder that women’s rights are human rights and that everyone must work together to create a world where women and girls can live freely, equally, and without fear.
Further, the memorandum emphasized that the 2023 National Women’s Month Celebration marks a juncture in the advancement of women’s rights as it launches a new recurring theme from this year to 2028: WE for gender equality and an inclusive society, which ignites a renewed commitment to advocacy and builds on the gains achieved during the 2016–2022 theme, WE Make CHANGE Work for Women, which emphasized the need for compassionate and harmonized networks towards gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE).
Moreover, the division encourages the schools to promote public awareness through the hanging of the official 2023 NWMC banner bearing this year’s campaign theme, the wearing of anything purple on all the Mondays of March, using a unified virtual background during online meetings to signify support for women’s empowerment and gender equality as part of the #PurpleMondays Initiative, and using the NWMC Facebook profile frame.
Likewise, the division continually commits itself to creating a more inclusive and equitable education system that promotes gender equality and women’s empowerment in the education sector and beyond. ###

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