Nominations for outstanding individuals, organizations to the ASEAN Prize 2023 now open

Ampayon Central Elementary School
East 1 Butuan District
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) has announced that the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has launched the call for nominations for outstanding individuals and organizations to the ASEAN Prize 2023.
The ASEAN Prize continues to celebrate persons and organizations whose determination and perseverance have progressively driven the region towards harmony and sustainable development while, at the same time, forging a stronger ASEAN identity.
In order to qualify as the Philippines’ candidate, the nominee must either be a Filipino citizen, or an organization organized by the Philippines. The nominee must show verifiable achievements in promoting intra-ASEAN collaboration and its impact on ASEAN. The nominee should also share future initiatives for the continuance of the work after winning the Prize. The submission must be supported by one character reference attesting to the nominee’s suitability to receive the ASEAN Prize.
The call for nomination is open from February 20 to April 28, 2023 and nominations shall be submitted to ASEAN Member States’ National Focal Points. The official nomination form can be downloaded from
ASEAN Prize welcomes any area of achievement under one of the three ASEAN Community Pillars namely, political-security, economic, and socio-cultural. The nominee has provided commendable contribution towards the promotion of intra-ASEAN collaboration and is able to account for the work reported. ###