DepEd allows the conduct of in-person activities in schools

Pareja Integrated School
West Butuan District 3
In line with the commitment of the Department of Education (DepEd) to deliver quality basic education in a safe learning environment to learners, the DepEd has issued guidelines for the conduct of the in-person or face-to-face activities in schools.
In a DepEd Order No. 003, s. 2023 signed by Vice President and Secretary Sara Z. Duterte, guidelines were included and be observed.
For the safe resumption and reintroduction of the conduct on in-person school activities, consistent with the public health standards of the government in light of COVID-19, the following guidelines shall be observed: Curricular and co-curricular activities that involve the in-person gathering of a number of participants shall be allowed. Curricular activities shall be conducted during the academic quarter to ensure that learners can seamlessly connect and integrate learning within and across learning areas. The co-curricular activities shall be conducted after the quarterly examinations to avoid disruption of classes.
Also, the conduct of extra-curricular activities shall be strictly prohibited. It must be clarified that only those extra-curricular activities held during class hours are prohibited. The conduct of in-person extra-curricular activities shall be allowed, provided that these activities are conducted after class hours.
Based on the order, Public Schools must ensure the strict observance of the guidelines during the conduct of in-person curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities.
Private schools, community learning centers, as well as State/Local Universities and Colleges (SUCs/LUCs) may choose to adopt the provisions of the order as basis in the conduct of in-person curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular activities. ###