DepEd to celebrate International Day of Education

DepEd to celebrate International Day of Education
Teacher II
San Vicente National High School
Southwest District
The Department of Education (DepEd) per Memorandum No. 003, s. 2023 signed by Vice President and Secretary Sara Z. Duterte announced the observance of the 2023 International Day of Education (IDE) on January 24, 2023 by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
IDE is a celebration of the role of education for peace and development. This year’s celebration is anchored on the theme, to invest in people, prioritize education, to amplify the call for education to be prioritized to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in the context of a global recession, growing inequalities, and the climate crisis.
The IDE is aimed to generate visibility from local to global level on prioritizing education to reach the SDGs ahead of the SDG Summit, building on the outcomes of the Transforming Education Summit (TES); promote and showcase the national statements of commitment at country level and mobilize political and financial support for translating them into action; encourage wide take-up of the global initiatives launches at the TES to accelerate foundational learning, get every learner climate ready through greening education, promote public digital learning, advance gender equality in and through education and, ensure learning continuity in situations of emergency and protracted crisis; advocate for higher levels of domestic and international financing, including through innovative sources, building on commitments at the TES; raise awareness around the national SDG 4 benchmarking process and how the benchmarks provide an accountability framework for commitments made at the TES; provide youth a platform to build on the TES youth declaration, relay their demands and showcase their initiatives and innovations to advance the right to education; and rally influencers to push forward the global education movement calling on world leaders to stand by their commitments and prioritize investment in education and educational transformation. ###

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