A Milestone Journey of a Multi-Grade Last Mile School

A Milestone Journey of a Multi-Grade Last Mile School
School Head
Lamosig Elementary School
One of the last mile schools of the Division of Butuan City of South Butuan District II I have learned and loved with passion serving Lamosig Elementary School has a multi-grade class, with four teachers, and a learner population of 81 learners, more than 55% of which are indigenous people.  I have come here in 2022 and marked my calendar this January 2023 as my 1st anniversary.
Serving in DepEd as a school head for a year I wouldn’t have experienced any of the feelings of riding in habal-habal, waking up at 3 am and traveling at 530 am for the 1st trip bound to Tungao. After almost an hour’s experience of a ride. I have to endure another 30 to 40 minutes to the school.
Before reaching the school I have to thank God if it is good weather for it will be easier and quicker to reach the school. If the rainy season has poured out to the heart’s content expect the muddy, slippery road and you have to walk barefoot to reach the school.
The school’s geographical location is one of the challenges I may face but It helps me to be motivated at the same time. If I will not be optimistic about being a public servant, what will happen to my teachers, learners, parents, and the local community? We will work for hand in hand to be more productive.
The Department of Education’s Last Mile School program is intended to address the gaps in resources and facilities of schools in geographically isolated and disadvantaged and conflict-affected areas. Indeed, DepEd is also proving that no children are left behind. This serves as an inspiration to us all to continue to serve not only those who are in the cities but even in remote places.
Regardless of the daily scenarios that I may face, I have to endure and strengthen my leadership as I am the captain of my ship with the help of the local community, stakeholders, and the Barangay Local government unit. May God Bless Us All!!! ###

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