Global Handwashing Day highlights multisectoral collaboration

Ong Yiu Central Elementary School
Central Butuan District II
Highlighting the importance of multisectoral collaboration in promoting a culture of hand hygiene and to emphasize hand hygiene as a critical public health measure to ensure safe schools and communities, the Global Handwashing Day is set every 15th of October.
The global advocacy is dedicated to increase awareness and understanding on the importance of handwashing with soap as an effective and affordable way to prevent diseases and save lives.
The event also aims to showcase the best practices in hand hygiene-related preparations for school reopening, the event shall feature video presentations submitted by the regions.
The Department of Education in partnership with the Department of Health, World Health Organization, United Nations Children’s Fund, and the Local Government Units will spearhead said important event.
This year’s celebration is anchored on the theme “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene”. ###