Health, Safety of learners and personnel top priority during disasters

Pinamanculan Elementary School
West Butuan District II
The health, safety and protection of every learners and personnel remain as the top priority of the Department of Education (DepEd) during natural disasters and calamities, this is to ensure that their constitutional rights to life, health, safety.
To minimize the health and safety risks brought about by disasters and other natural calamities, DepEd recognizes the suspension of classes and work during emergencies remain to be necessary in upholding the physical and mental well-being of learners and school personnel.
Guidelines for the cancellation of classes and works in schools in times of Typhoon, Heavy Rainfall, Flood, Earthquakes, and Power Outages/Power Interruption/Brownouts.
In the event of cancelled or suspended classes, modular distance learning performance tasks, projects or make up classes shall be implemented to ensure that learning competencies and objectives are still met.
Learners who miss learning activities due to class suspension brought about by various disruptions like disasters and/or emergencies due to natural or human-induced hazards shall be accorded due considerations in their attendance and the completion of heir learning tasks.
Teaching school personnel, including ALS teachers, and non-teaching school personnel in schools shall not be required to report to work, except those who are mandated to render security, safety, finance, engineering, sanitation, health, and disaster response duties.
Schools, on the other hand, must always be ready to implement remote work with measured output. ###