DepEd to designate OK sa DepEd program coordinators

Sta. Cruz Elementary School
The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learner Support Services-School Health Division (BLSS-SHD) has been implementing the Oplan Kalusugan sa DepEd (OK sa DepEd), the convergence of DepEd’s school health and nutrition initiatives at the school level, in partnership with various stakeholders, since 2018.
In anticipation of the transition with the change in administration, regional offices and school division offices of DepEd are instructed to confirm the designation of their program coordinators/focal persons and co-coordinators/alternates by accomplishing the templates; issuing/re-issuing a regional/division memorandum to make the order effective again, as necessary, using the templates.
As coordinators/focal persons, they are in-charge of communicating the concerns relating to their projects, particularly with their counterparts at the BLSS-SHD, with the guidance from their immediate supervisors and/or heads of offices. ###