2022 National Literacy Awards set

2022 National Literacy Awards set
 Principal I
 Lumbocan Elementary School
In time with the celebration of the National Literacy Week and International Literacy Day, the Department of Education (DepEd), through the Literacy Coordinating Council (LCC) will conduct the 2022 National Literacy Awards (NLA) which will culminate in September.
To recognize best literacy practices carried out by local government units and nongovernment organizations, which help alleviate poverty, provide livelihood opportunities, address welfare needs, promote freedom, and make education facilities accessible, are among the aims of NLA.
Also, the NLA will contribute to the realization of the goal of universalizing literacy in the Philippines by creating public awareness and interest in the programs, projects, and activities addressing this concern; sustain, expand, and institutionalize literacy efforts by motivating and recognizing individuals, institutions, and LGUs through awards and appropriate recognition; encourage the development and replication of innovative, creative, and indigenous literacy programs, and bestow honor on and recognition to outstanding government and NGOs for their dedication, commitment, and contribution to the eradication of illiteracy in their respective communities.
It has the following categories:
a. Outstanding Local government Unit – an award given to LGUs that have developed and implemented literacy policies, programs, and projects that created positive and remarkable impacts on the quality of life of their constituents. The Outstanding LGU category is divided into four sub-categories.
b. Outstanding Literacy Program – an award given to NGOs, private organizations, and private educational/academic institutions, that have developed and implemented literacy programs that created positive and remarkable impacts on learners and communities; and
c. Special Award of Excellence in Literacy – an award given to LGUs or NGOs that have been declared as NLA Hall of Fame Awardees and sustained their outstanding literacy programs for at least three years after receiving the award.
Submission of nominations for outstanding local government unit and literacy program categories shall be submitted by LGUs and NGOs to their respective DepEd Regional Offices, through the Regional NLA Coordinator, from April 25 to May 11, 2022. The nominees for the Special Award of excellence in Literacy Category shall be identified and notified by the LCC Secretariat. ###

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