Project TURISMO Launched by SSG

Project TURISMO Launched by SSG
To develop more the MakaBansa Core Value among students, the Supreme Student Government (SSG) of Taligaman National High School (Taligaman NHS) launched its Project TURISMO (Teaching Unified Respect to Identified Spots which make an Outstanding Nation) on February 28, 2022 via Google Meet and Facebook Page Live during the conduct of School-Based National Arts Month Celebration.
This project aimed to promote local tourist spots and destinations in the service barangays of the school through creation of vlogs made by the Team MakaBansa. On its first episode, the group featured the vast rice fields and efficient rice mills of Barangay Taligaman from which it is known for.
Hosted by the Team Leader Psalm Breccia M. Odtojan, she was able to share to the public the life of being a farmer and the actual rice milling process.
“We need to prepare the land though plowing, then grow seedlings, and lastly transplant it to the land. We received also services from the government to help in our livelihood”, said Mrs. Adela Bayo, a farmer.
In collaboration with the Barangay Council and private individuals, this project hoped to awaken the interests of the viewers on the identity of one’s locality. It also envisioned to highlight more local tourist attractions in the different barangays which were not identified before to deepen the love for our country.
Same video was also posted on SSG Taligaman NHS Facebook page. ###

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