FYP2022 Essay Writing Contest commemorates Araw ng Kagitingan

Doña Josefa Elementary School
Southeast Butuan District 1
The Philippine Business for Education (PBEd), through its Project Sibika, will launch the #ForYouPilipinas2022 (FYP2022) Essay Writing Contest on April 1, 2022, with the theme: “Courage of the Youth.”
The Contest will commemorate Araw ng Kagitingan and is designed to encourage a spirit of bravery among the youth.
For the #FYP2022, Sibika aims to instill the values of bravery, justice, cooperation, and the bayanihan spirit among the youth as front liners in the modern battle against misinformation, disinformation, cyber-bullying, and cancel-culture.
Accordingly, the writing prompt for the Essay Writing Contest to be given to the participants will be: “How should the Youth constructively confront issues they face online?”
The #FYP2022 is open to all Senior High School students (Grades 11 and 12), including those that have recently graduated this year and are incoming college students.
Only one entry is allowed from each participant, and the essay should not go beyond 500 words. The participant is free to use either the Filipino or English language. Entries may be submitted via Google Forms through this link: https://tinyurl.com/SibikaFYP2022Registration
Also, Sibika set the following guidelines: The entry must have an original/creative title included in its content; The output may be handwritten (if handwritten, the participant should take a readable photo of their work) or typewritten; Essays submitted before April 1, 2022, and before the posting of the writing prompt will not be accommodated; and the deadline for submission of entries is on April 18, 2022.
Three entries will be chosen as winners. The first place shall receive ₱10,000, P7,000 for second place, and P5,000 for third place. ###