DepEd to host Educ Forum Episode 5

DepEd to host Educ Forum Episode 5
Libertad National High School
West District I
Per Department of Education (DepEd) Advisory No. 020, s. 2022, the Philippine Forum for Inclusive Quality Basic Education (Educ Forum) will host Episode 5 of the Educ Forum Series Addressing the Challenge of Education Quality on March 24, 2022, Thursday, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
Episode 5 will focus on the Alternative Learning System to be presented by the DepEd and identified partners from the Educ Forum.
As stated in the advisory, the series aims to provide a venue for sharing updates on major ongoing reform initiatives by DepEd and its partners to address the challenges in providing quality education and other critical issues. It will also serve as a platform to inform, deliberate on, refine reform initiatives, and coordinate further actions.
Every episode of the Educ Forum Series shall tackle relevant topics to be presented by the DepEd and/or its partners from Educ Forum, attached government agencies, and educational partners, including civil society organizations, private sector organizations, as well as bilateral agencies and multilateral organizations.
The series successfully launched its first round of episodes in 2021, with topics on Curriculum Review Results, Good Practices in Blended Learning, Career Progression, and Opportunities and Challenges on the Reintroduction of Face to Face Classes.
Teachers and school leaders from public and private schools nationwide are encouraged to participate for greater awareness and public discussion on education issues.
The fifth episode and all succeeding episodes shall be shared via Livestream in the official social media accounts of DepEd Philippines through the following platforms and links: Facebook:; YouTube: ###

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