“Dainty Glitch“

“Dainty Glitch“
A few years back then,
Our world appears so busy
Gigs, musical plays, trips, and adventures create us giddy
Pleasure and unexplainable feeling of gratification roving uninterruptedly
Streets and hallways look to be an elbow room,
Where people aren’t subtle or abysmal,
Rambling, schmoozing, intermingling is not a strange thing
Dangers as situated in an inoperable space
Not until the COVID-19 pandemic came,
A virus that is unseen yet dreadful
Even scientists and experts are surprised,
Why and how does this infectious disease arise into place?
Restrictions of travels, loss of jobs, economic breakdown
Are one of the effects brought by the pandemic?
No! There’s more,
Extreme hunger, unending call for an oxygen supply, and shortage of medical supplies are alarm.
But wait!
Let’s hope and be faithful that this global crisis will come to an end,
Where we could go back to the things we used to be,
Let’s work hand-in-glove in fighting this trial,
If no one else, then who?

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