Taligaman NHS SSG, Filipino Homes Butuan: Partners in Gift Giving

Taligaman NHS SSG, Filipino Homes Butuan: Partners in Gift Giving
The Supreme Student Government (SSG) of Taligaman National High School (Taligaman NHS) in partnership with Filipino Homes Butuan conducted the Annual Gift Giving on December 15, 2021 at Gesu Eucaristico Children’s Inc., Manapa, Buenavista, Agusan del Norte. This event meant to share blessings to young girls and bring smiles on their faces in this Yuletide Season in spite of the pandemic.
Mr. Marlou Angelo Hinay, Head Broker of Team Royalties of Filipino Homes Butuan organized this advocacy for many years and for the first time, collaborated with the Taligaman NHS SSG in doing this activity. Also, the Gesu Eucaristico Children’s Inc., led by the Center Head Sr. Marilou Besere was delighted to welcome this new partnership.
“I thank the Taligaman NHS SSG for being our partner this year in sharing our blessings to these young girls. We hope to continue this partnership every year and bring more happiness to these children”, said Marlou Angelo Hinay, Filipino Homes Team Royalties Head Broker.
The children were happy to receive gifts, play games, show talents, and share food with these generous individuals.
“Seeing the happy faces of these young children made me more motivated to continue doing this kind of activity. On behalf of the Taligaman NHS SSG, I am grateful to Filipino Homes Butuan, Gesu Eucaristico Children’s Inc, and benevolent sponsors for this memorable occasion”, Mr. Joshua S. Calaycay, Grade 12 Chairperson said.
This annual event was a testimony that amidst global health crisis, wonderful things could still happen. ###

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