DepEd to create BAE

DepEd to create BAE
Pinamanculan Elementary School
West Butuan District II
The Department of Education (DepEd) issued the policy titled Creation of the Bureau of Alternative Education (BAE of the Department of Education (DepEd) in compliance with Republic Act No. 115101, also known as the Alternative Learning System Act.
Based on DepEd Order No, 46, s. 2021 issued by Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, the creation of the Bureau Alternative Education (BAE) is one of the salient provisions of the Alternative Learning System Act to serve as the focal office for the implementation of the Alternative Learning System (ALS) programs of DepEd.
The BAE is headed by a Director who shall have powers and functions to ensure the effective and efficient implementation of the ALS programs.
The BAE shall be under the Curriculum and Instruction (CI) strand. Supervision of operational activities and strategic leadership shall be under the Assistant Secretary for Alternative Learning System (ALS) Program. The Assistant Secretary for ALS Program shall report to the Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction as well as to the Secretary.
Also, The BAE may engage Consultancy, Contract of Service (COS) or designate/reassign personnel from other offices to form part of the said Bureau, consistent with existing policies. The BAE shall establish appropriate communication and coordination channels, and implementation mechanisms within DepEd Central, Regional, and Schools Division Offices for the planning, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation of ALS programs. Appropriate communication channels shall also be established for partners and stakeholders. ###

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