BCES Supreme Pupil’s Government in Action: Conducted its’ First Virtual Training for Pupils

Every school year, the Supreme Pupils Government of Butuan Central Elementary School conducts an activity for the pupils, where they can engage, learn, and enjoy. This best practice of SPG Officers of BCES is like a tradition for the school. But when the pandemic happened this annual activity was put on hold. But it was different this year, after a whole year of getting familiar with how this new normal in education works, the newly elected SPG Officers together with their adviser, Mr. Jayson Jhon P. Sumahid, continued the tradition and conducted an activity with the Grade 4 to 6 learners as their participant.

The training aims to capacitate the Grade 4 to 6 learners on storytelling and poetry writing. The activity was a great opportunity since the invited speakers where no less than an individual who have experienced and championed on their fields on a national level. The first topic was Poetry Writing with Mr. Bryan M. Luzon, a Master Teacher I from Ampayon Central Elementary School of this Division. For the second topic, Storytelling, the learners was with Ms. Mariel G. Balacuit, from DepEd SDO-Agusan del Norte. The training highlights future SPG activities and also poetry writing, and storytelling are both essential competencies that learners must attain. It was indeed a productive training, the learner-participants presented their outputs in both Poetry and Storytelling after the discussion. ###