Educational Response Amidst Pandemic

Educational Response Amidst Pandemic
The year 2020 saw some unexpected numbers across, feature out of which a remarkable one is the quantity of students influenced of Covid pandemic. While the effect of the pandemic on schooling was felt across the globe. Thus, closure of educational institution, greatly affect the social skills of our learners.
Notwithstanding, I have consistently admitted, each struggles carries an opportunity with it. Whatever impediments we have faced until now, humankind has consistently come out bolder on the opposite side. While there is still a ton of ways that should be done to reestablish quality learning, for some learners, classes have continued on account of innovation arising as an incredible empowering agent.
This is a period of change that has gone from school shutdowns to online opportunities. Despite from the sudden changes and major adjustments, online platforms season across the globe. The educational system has to shift digital learning methods for the continuity of education. I admit this period where web- based learning is a notable and holistic that denotes the beginning of schooling turning out to be more all- encompassing for learners in our country.
While digital learning has been filled in, as a short aid for education to guarantee that learning doesn’t stop, I believe, it is also a key factor in the long-term success of reaping our country’s demographic dividend. To narrow it down, there are two significant issues that digital-based learning can address regarding our country’s schooling framework—availability and viability.
The rapid rise of different online platforms, raised the question, “Will online learning replace traditional school?” the answer is, no!
There are things we can learn from online, but there are more to develop from face-to- face learning. Not all subjects can be understood easily through an online discussion or meetings, but there are some can be learned better. Nothing can ever replace the skills students learn at school. Skills like, social abilities, collaboration, and other significant skills such as empathy, sympathy must be realized when you are in a team. As a whole, the school can be an avenue of our learner’s leisure and their home, too.
Therefore, online learning is a match to blend with face-to-face learning, since both methods are essential to the learners’ education. Both will uplift the innovations of today’s trend and at the same time learning together as a group to develop social skills as well.
As we move on and experience this new age, we will always continue to face challenges and hurdles with determination and bear the positive vibrant along the way. Either through online or traditional learning strategies- education must continue to fulfill its vision and mission towards learners. ###

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