DepEd prepares for the conduct of face-to-face classes

DepEd prepares for the conduct of face-to-face classes
Based on the joint memorandum circular signed by the Secretaries of the Department of Education (DepEd) and Department of Health (DOH), schools that will be included in the pilot phase must satisfy the following conditions: located in minimal risk areas, secured LGU concurrence, passed the School Safety Assessment Tool (SSAT), and secured parent’s consent.
The full details of the guidelines for the pilot study are contained in the Joint Memorandum Circular No. 1, s 2021, which can be downloaded from DepEd official webpage at­content/uploads/2021/09/DEPED-DOH-JMC-No.-01-s.-2021_.pdf.
It can be recalled that President Rodrigo Roa Duterte has approved on September 20, 2021, the joint proposal of DepEd and DOH for the conduct of the pilot face-to-face classes in 100 public schools and 20 private schools, or a total of 120 schools nationwide.
Both public and private schools nationwide shall conduct a self-assessment using the School Safety Assessment Test in preparation for the expansion phase and onward transitioning to the new normal of face-to-face. ###

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