Module Pantry Inside a School

COVID-19 Pandemic affected the educational system in our country by shifting from face-to-face classes into distance learning modality. Students were confined at home learning the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCS) of the different learning areas by themselves or with the help of other family members. This was also done to ensure safety of the students while we were in the height of global health crisis.
Taligaman National High School (TNHS) implemented the Pure Modular Distance Learning Modality which was most preferred by the learners based from the survey conducted. Parents or guardians went to school to get the modules on behalf of the students.

Mr. Glen Banaybanay Pacot, Academic Head of the School conceptualized the Module Pantry as an answer to the pressing condition of the City. Education must continue! Thereby, distribution and retrieval of modules must also continue.

With the support of the Public Schools District Supervisor, School Principal, Monitoring Heads, Grade Level Chairpersons, Class Advisers, Subject Teachers, and Staff, the Module Pantry served its purpose until everything was back to normal. ###