The Boy Scouts of the Philippines Agusan Council joined in a tree planting and school ground cleaning activity inside the premises of Masago Elementary School in Brgy. Maguinda, Butuan City on May 8, 2021.
The BSP Agusan Council Scout Executive, Ma’am Cherry Ann D. Estrada, along with the BSP Division Coordinator of the Department of Education, Mr. Leonil A. Obiedo, Course Managers of Learning, Wood Badge Holders, Basic Training Course Graduates, and senior scouts planted at least 300 malunggay seedlings and 160 fruit tree seedlings that will help boost regreening the area as well as to have free malunggay and fruits for all the residents in Barangay Maguinda. Furthermore, the scouts also helped in repainting the classrooms and cleaning the area for the beautification of the school in preparation for another school year to be dated.
This activity is in lined with the Go Green Program in which the scouts are given opportunity to reconnect with nature through series of activities like tree planting, clean-up drive, and the like. In addition, BSP Go Green Campaign is a major initiative under Boy Scouts of the Philippines Corporate Social Responsibility program to help young children understand the importance of respecting and cleaning the environment to promote environment conservation and protection. ###