A Man-made Firefly

A Man-made Firefly
Teacher III
Taguibo Elementary School

Have you ever been amazed on how a firefly is brimming with light even in the dark? It shines when we need it the most. Well, there seems to be a man-made firefly that helps us in our situation this pandemic.

People these days are struggling because of this pandemic. However, shouldn’t they notice that there is something that is glowing all around us?
Technology has been emitting light throughout the dark. It has been helping us in our daily activities, making the process faster and easier.
According to some dictionaries found online, technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes, especially in industry. Without it, our daily activities will be much harder and it will take a long time to finish them.
Recently, another year had passed. That means that new fireflies are glowing, with both light and trend during this pandemic.
You may not notice it, but almost everything you interact with during this pandemic is technology. Technologies like cellphone, laptops, tablets, televisions, refrigerators, etc. Basically, technologies have been a trend because of this pandemic.
Now as what I have said, a lot of technologies are trending in these years 2020 and 2021.
An example is Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Extended Reality (ER). These are usually used in gaming which is popular for teens and streamers.
Another example is Internet of Things (IoT). It allows you to connect “things” with internet and even their selves.
Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning is also an example. Its benefits towards humanity have been making it trending since then.
All of these have been shining in our dark world, like how a firefly has lit up your garden. Because of this pandemic, their light has spread throughout the world as it continues to shine for the greater future. ###

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