7 Eyes Production Launched Katastropiya Book With Various Stories

7 Eyes Production Launched Katastropiya Book With Various Stories
Ampayon Central Elementary School

The 7 Eyes Productions one of the popular publishers in the Philippines launched its book last September 2020, and today as we observe this year’s World AIDS Day with the global theme, “Global Solidarity, Shared Responsibility”. One of the stories give emphasis about the HIV/AIDS infection.

Bryan Mendoza Luzon, Public School Teacher from Butuan City wrote a story entitled “POSIT” which means positive, but the positivity on its title turns out to be POSITive in epidemic which is the HIV/AIDS.
He submitted his entry in search for the best stories that will capsulize the theme catastrophic to the 7 Eyes Productions. Luckily, his entry was recognized and was published in one of the popular national publishers in the Philippines.
During the crafting of the story, Luzon gathered data from one of the victims of HIV and served as the window to create such story for awareness to everyone.
The story’s message clearly gives awareness, hopes, eliminating stigma and discrimination, as well as providing accessible testing, treatment, care and support for People Living with HIV to the victims that despite of this catastrophe’s in life there are still people who would like to accept, help, and love them to fight against this battle. ###

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