Climate CHAINge: Earth is Drifting Away

Climate CHAINge: Earth is Drifting Away
Master Teacher I
Ampayon Central Elementary School


Everyday, people have been harming the Earth without even noticing. Now the Earth is chained up with climate change and is slowly drifting away.

Climate change is a change in global or regional climate patterns. Because of the thinning of the ozone layer, the Earth has become much more hotter resulting to climate change.
Basically, all of our actions that have caused the thinning of the ozone layer or global warming also have caused climate change.
Because of the rising temperature, many events have occurred. Events such as wildfires like the one in Amazon and Australia. Both of them were caused by climate change.
The melting of glaciers and ice sheets is also caused by climate change. The melting of glaciers not only result the polar bears and penguins to lose habitat, but it also adds more water to the sea, which increases sea level.
As mentioned above, the melting of glaciers results to the increasing sea level. The rise of sea level can cause destructive erosion, wetland flooding, aquifer and agricultural soil contamination with salt, and lost habitat for fish, birds, and plants.
There are many harmful Climate Change can do to Earth. However, we should also be responsible for all of this because we have also caused climate change.
Deforestation is one of the causes of Climate Change. Because a lot of trees are gone, the manufactured chemicals will only go up into the atmosphere, making a whole in the ozone layer.
Another cause is burning of trash and fossil fuels. Both of these emit chlorofluorocarbons, so while you are burning trash these go into the atmosphere and will make the ozone layer thin.
The least things we can do is avoid burning trash. We could simply throw them in the garbage can. Another way is to not ride cars often and by also planting a lot of trees.
We might be the cause why the Earth is chained, however we can also free her from these chains and make this world a better place. ###


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