The value of education to people at an emotional level

By Junnabelle Mae D. Ebona
ML Pineda Elementary School
South Butuan District II

Education is a deeply influential entity to people’s lives. It is an instrumental tool for students, educators, leaders, public servants, and the civic society. For every person, it connotes a different emotional meaning and value.

Students spend most of their time in school. The moment they are ready as toddlers, they are sent to schools to learn the basics. As they age, the level of learning increases and the exploration is wider. It is at every end of the semester or school year that they value their success most. After dedicating their time, effort, and energy to the whole academic duration. They pour in their creative juices and emotions to their craft. Each time they compose something from the heart, it is held closely emotional to them. With diligence and hard work, they are another step closer to the dreams they have for themselves and for others.

For the parents, it is the sense of accomplishment of being able to send their children to school. To find the satisfaction of seeing them making most of their time exploring and learning. Despite difficult times, parents and parental figures strive their hardest for their kids to have education. To expose them to learning and exploring their talents and skills. They invest in good education for the future success of the children. For them to graduate with substantial learnings and become abled bodies within the society. Each completion and accomplishment is a milestone for these guardians.

For the society, the source of hope are the youth and the students with access to quality education. They are bearers of knowledge and wisdom. Each with a purpose to serve and provide service to the people. At a young age, students learn to sing the National Anthem and the Patriotic Oath. They are introduced to the value of good manners and right conduct.  Students are provided with the modes to shape their social identity. This allows them to manifest their purpose with the strengths they discovered from school. When these students become the adults they aspire, the society celebrates that victory with them.

The journey through and after taking up classes and going to school each has a story. For every person in the society education will always leave an impact their lives. ###



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