Reaching potential

ML Pineda Elementary School
South Butuan District II

Education is a multi-tool essential across different fields. In its essence, a multifaceted instrument providing benefits to all people. It is a facilitative aid in helping students realize their full potential. 

According to Child Care Resource Center, children as young as two-years old exhibit natural curiosity on all things. They show great interest in familiarizing themselves with new ideas, concepts, and situations. Parents and guardians would have to be extra careful with what they say. Kids repeat and imitate the things they are exposed to.  It is best encouraged sending them to schools and other educational institutions. For them to explore fields that peak their interests. Where educators can navigate students to safe ground for exploration. To be educated in a productive learning environment ensured by administrators and staffs. To cultivate a motivating and interactive safe space to discover their potential.

By immersing them in a participative and exploratory setting they are able classify their strengths and weaknesses. Either with by themselves or with guidance from educators.

UNESCO Digital Library established how students learn best when playing active roles in and out classrooms. Where given tasks vary with regards to skills and abilities demanded for its completion. Each pupil would have to assess what skills are needed to perform the activity. What raw talents there are to develop or new skills to discover and hone.

Students realize their potential when they recognize their capabilities. The skills they acquire will help them later in life. Among these are unique skills-sets distinct for every learner. When they learn to cement their faith in themselves, they can transcend their potentiality. They flourish doing good at what they love.  Consequently, they would be able to inspire others to acknowledge their potentials and make most of it. ###



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