Pianing Elementary School prioritize printing supplies in MOOE allocation

Pianing Elementary School
East Butuan District I

Teachers of Pianing Elementary School during the inspection and distribution of printing supplies.


The result of the LESF conducted during remote enrolment last June-July 2020, it was found out that most of the learners/parents in our Barangay opted to printed modular learning. Therefore, the school must purchase printing materials for reproduction of modules and activity sheets.

It is undeniable that at present, the teachers in our school who are implementing modular printed modality are really in need of printing supplies like bond papers, ink and printers. The modules that they are printing from all grade levels in all subjects consumed volume reams of bond papers, bottles of ink and printer.

To support our teachers in their endeavor for delivering education to our learners, 75% of the MOOE allocation of Pianing Elementary School for C.Y. 2020, prioritized on the expenses for printing. From the big budget MOOE allocation for printing, the school is looking forward for a positive response to the needs of our learners in Pianing Elementary School with the support of our stakeholders by sharing their resources to supplement the printing supplies needed by our teachers to be distributed to our learners. ###



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