Alternative Work Arrangement (AWA) of teachers

Pianing Elementary School
East Butuan District I

In the content of D.O. #11 s. 2020 – Revised Guidelines of the Alternative Work Arrangement in the Department of Education During the State of National Emergency Due to Covid-19 Pandemic, the teaching and non-teaching personnel may adopt individually or in combination the different Alternative Work Arrangements (AWA). These includes Work-from-Home, Skeleton Workforce, Four-day (compressed) Workweek, Staggered Working Hours, or other alternative Work Arrangements.

In the school level, the school head will have to determine the appropriate work arrangements for teachers based on the prevailing community quarantine classification in their location and work priorities. It the implementation of AWA, the school head will have to consider the precautionary measures and health protocols for the safety of every personnel in line of duty. It is also expected that the individual and daily log accomplishment report of teachers and performance monitoring report will be submitted at the end of the month.

The adoption of alternative work arrangements of teachers from the month of June up to present are among ways and means of the Department of Education that despite the uncertainties our country is facing today, one thing is for sure, the education of our Filipino learners must continue. ###



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