Understanding the learning delivery modalities in the basic education learning continuity plan

Pianing Elementary School
East Butuan District I

Current government advice specifies that no face-to-face learning will be permitted until a vaccine is available and the only LDM option for public schools at present is distance learning.

Distance learning are categories as follows:

·       Modular Distance Learning (MDL) – learning delivery modality that is in the form of     individualized instruction where learners use self-learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format.  

·       Online Distance Learning (ODL) – learning delivery modality where the teacher facilitates learning and engages learner’s active participation using various technologies connected to the internet.

·      TV-Based Instruction (TVI), Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) – use of television or radio programs on channels and stations dedicated to providing learning content to learners as form of distance education.

·       Blended Distance Learning (BDL) – a combination of the above three types of distance learning.

As I go over with the different description of the distance learning, the modular printed modality is the option of the schools that are situated in far flung area, without TV and stable internet connection. In the crafting of School Learning Continuity Plan (SLCP)- the guide of the school in implementing the distance learning, there are many considerations that the school head must take into action specially in following IATF recommendations for health and sanitation of the schools and health protocols among the school personnel, parents and stakeholders, the algorithm of learning and monitoring. 

The new normal in the education is really a challenged that everybody must understand, take it positively and solve the problems and issues so that the education of our millennial learners will continue despite the pandemic we are facing today. ###




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