WEBINAR: How long will it last?


Butuan Central Elementary School

Central Butuan District I

Website seminars are the most intriguing topics among teachers facing in the new normal. Since the alternative work arrangement among most teachers is work from home and list of accomplishment each day is a necessary, webinars become the highlight of each day’s activity.

The question is, how long will it last? Like is it necessary for a teacher to attend a webinar each day? Or will a teacher only attend a webinar for the sake of accomplishment report? The answer is webinars are always there. Many departments, schools and universities offered lots of webinars each day for the teachers to learn and reflect on them. However, it is on the part of a teacher as to how important the webinar he or she is attending or the knowledge that he or she will gain after attending a webinar will be necessary for future use. Of course, teachers are not forced to attend all the webinars offered in the online platform unless these are intended for them to watch and learn. Thus, teachers will assure that the webinars they have attended made a great impact and provide state-of-the-art knowledge and skills in the implementation of what we call “new normal” in this time of pandemic. However, learning should not be limited as to the time where it is only needed. Therefore, learning and values gathered from webinars should be applied even as to the time that everything will be back into the normal life that we are used to.

Webinars will not last as long as they are offered. It only depends on you if you want to broaden your knowledge and skills for the betterment of yourself and your capacity as a teacher. Because learning has no ending especially when you are eager to learn new things. ###

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