How does “new normal” looks in Philippine Education System?


Butuan Central Elementary School

Central Butuan District I

“New Normal” is often heard nowadays as a result of the pandemic that is going on now. There is a lot of “new normal” that took place in every daily routine, on jobs, on every government processes and in education. Moreover, “new normal” breaks the norms that people have lived by. In the daily human routine, “new normal” means to wear face mask every time people go out. In government, everything must first be done through online. But how about in Philippine Education System? What does “new normal” looks in education?

For years, Philippine Education System has been traditional but gradually changing to cater the demands of the new generation. As a matter of fact, before this “new normal” came to light, teachers and learner are already using the internet, computer and other technologies in education. But the difference lies between having a face to face class and now in “new normal” classes are done virtually. Department of Education introduced 3 modalities of how learnings shall be delivered in “new normal”. These are Distance Learning, Blended Learning, and Homeschooling respectively.

The first modality is the Distance Learning which itself has also 3 forms. First is the modular distance learning where modules will be given to the learners and will be collected every Friday by the teacher. In this modality parents must make a drop box or called as learning package where the teacher can place the modules and in return the parents will also place the activities done by the learner. Second form is the Online Distance Learning, learners who opt to choose this modality must have internet connection. In this modality the teacher and learner will meet virtually and do their activities synchronous or asynchronous. Third is the Television, Radio-Based Instructions, this kind of modality is fitted to the learners who are committed to learn on their own.

Second modality is the blended learning. This commonly tagged as “hybrid learning” since this is effective at helping a diverse student body. This modality is the combination of anything that is mentioned above. It may or may not requires internet connection and parents shall also pick up the learning modules in the school.

Third and lastly is the Homeschool modality. This kind of modality is effective if the learner has an available tutor or a parent who is qualified and always available to facilitate the learning of the child.

There is a great challenge ahead of this “new normal”. There’s a lot to adjust and to embrace. But one thing is for sure, these modalities in learning presented can continually deliver quality education to our learners. As what DepEd Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones has said “Learning will continue, C0VID or no COVID”. ###

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