DepEd issues guidelines on the oral health program

Obrero Elementary School
Central Butuan District II
Butuan City
The Department of Education (DepEd), issued guidelines on the comprehensive oral health program of the department for school year 2019-2020. Said guidelines will also serve the subsequent school years to concretize directions in oral health services.
The guidelines signed by DepEd secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones will uphold the right of learners to basic oral health services. It is also aimed to further improve oral hygiene knowledge and practices to reduce the incidence of dental caries among learners through effective dental health service delivery and the preventive track of effectively controlling risk behaviors related to diet, hygiene, nutrition, smoking, and substance abuse in promoting good oral health and oral disease prevention.
The DepEd shall also educate and inform all students, teachers, and non-teaching personnel on the health program. It also develops an evidence-based education program than can be integrated into the existing curricula of all K-12 schools and alternative delivery modes of education.
The department will also engage the active participation of learners in the daily tooth brushing drills in school for the promotion of oral health and other activities in the form of creative endeavors, lectures, seminars and projects.
Included in the guidelines is the prohibition of school authorities to strictly observe the prohibition on accepting donations or sponsorships from or having financial or material involvement with tobacco companies in advancing the health program.
The guidelines were issued through DepEd Order No. 33, s. 2019. ###
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