DepEd announces 3rd national competition on storybook writing

Teacher III
Obrero Elementary School
Central Butuan District II
The Department of Education (DepEd), through the Bureau of Learning Resources, announces the conduct of the 3rd National Competition on Storybook Writing.
The competition is aimed to select and award the best storybooks originally developed by teachers for the K to 3 grade levels; recognize the skills and competencies of teachers in writing and illustrating stories for children; and collect storybooks for uploading to the Learning Resources Portal.
The DepEd has set the following activities for the said event:
         May and June 2019 – Information dissemination, campaign drive, and drafting of stories;
         July 2019 – Official launch and orientation;
         August 2019 – Development of manuscripts;
         September 2019 – Division Manuscript Screening (DMS), Regional Manuscript Screening (RMS), Contest on Graphic Designing (CGD);
         October 29-31, 2019 – Submission of storybooks to the National Secretariat;
         November 2019 – National Storybook Judging; and
         December 2019 – National Awarding Ceremony.
The stories must be original. Adaptation of local stories may be done with respect, sensibility, and with consideration of indigenous and local traditions.
The competition is divided into four levels: Division Manuscript Screening, Regional Manuscript Screening, Contest on Graphic Designing and National Storybook Judging.
The competition is open to all DepEd school teachers with permanent status. Any entry found to have been copied or plagiarized shall be automatically disqualified. In cases where winning stories were found to have been plagiarized or have infringed copyright, the award as well as all its prizes will be revoked. ###

4 thoughts on “DepEd announces 3rd national competition on storybook writing

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