ACES 1ST GPTA holds assembly, turn-over ceremony

      Amparo Central Elementary School
      Butuan City
The Amparo Central Elementary School (ACES) conducted its “1st General Parents’ and Teachers’ Association’ Assembly and Turn-over Ceremony” of the incoming principal Mr. Orben D. Arconada of Taligaman Central Elementary School and outgoing Principal of ACES Dr. William O. Macasocol respectively on July 1, 2019.
It was opened with a prayer by Mrs. Merlyn Torrion, MT/Grade-I Adviser and was followed by the singing of the national anthem by Mrs. Laarni C. Berandal, conducting.
The newly elected GPTA President Mr. Samy Rechel Haya, gave his words of welcome. He then thanked the body for choosing him and asked for their continuous support so to continue the unfinished project of the past administration.
Giving of short rhymes, slogan type, sing and dance or just say a few lines from the nutrition month theme of the parents by grade level was performed for the attendance recognition as presented by Mrs. Rhyza A. Silaga, Grade-IV Adviser. It was followed by a community dancing through multimedia presentation.
Dr. William O. Macasocol, the school principal and GPTA adviser as well presented the newly elected set of officers and board of directors for school year 2019-2020. He then took the chance to thank everyone around, from the brgy. Council for their unending support extended to the school during his leadership, the faculty and staff, the pupils and most especially the parents for their willingness and effort every time he asks for it.
Nine agenda were presented to the body to be discussed in the meeting proper. It was started with the PTA Financial Report by Mrs. Ilna Garbo the GPTA Treasurer.  Report on authorized fees was tackled by Mrs. Jassel Amba stressing out the “NO COLLECTION POLICY” upon enrolment. The GPP area was talked about by Mrs. Rogelia T. Edulsa, EPP Adviser who also asked for continuous support from the parents to sustain or even to top the record as 2nd place in the Division GPP Evaluation 2018 under her advisory. Miss Regen Garma, Grade-VI Adviser, talked about SPG project, garbage bins for waste segregation (biodegradable, non-biodegradable, recyclable, and residual waste). She also stressed out the use of the 3R’s (reduce, reuse, recycle) in accordance with the law to lessen or even stop throwing garbage everywhere and to observe proper waste disposal. Miss Sheila Vanessa Z. Piloton also talked about solid waste management. She suggested that a cuttings of empty wrappers of junk foods to be put in an empty 1.5L soft drink plastic bottle or water bottle or of any sizes as a requirement of the Grades V and VI pupils in order to eradicate the worldwide problem of improper wastes disposal.
Feeding program was presented by Mrs. Heylen G. Oplas. She reported the number of wasted and severely wasted pupils as the beneficiaries of the School Health and Nutrition Program (SHNP). Miss Rubegel T. Edulsa, the incharge of the Drum and Lyre Corp. brought with her some unclaimed uniforms of the members to be able to attract new applicants. The barangay nurse also gave information to the parents about the incoming schedule of the vaccination of the Grades I and IV pupils for cancer awareness program of the Department of Health. Then, Fund Raising Activity by July 2019 and general pahina was explained by the Principal III himself, Dr. William O. Macasocol as well as his parting message as the out-going principal. He then, formally turned-over the SIP/AIP key of responsibility to the incoming principal Mr. Orben D. Arconada who also gave his acceptance message respectively.
The Honorable Barangay Captain also gave her heartwarming acceptance to Mr. Arconada and welcomed him as the new head of the school and promised together with her council to also extend their full support as the new leader of the school.
And the program was then closed with the words of encouragement by Mrs. Rogelia T. Edulsa.
Lastly, the program was successful. It was attended by 108 parents, 20 members of the faculty and staff of ACES, the barangay captain and her councilors in attendance all together with the brgy. Treasurer and Brgy. Nurse, the incoming and outgoing principals and most of all it won’t be a successful one if not of the program hosts Miss Aiken Rose Valles and Mrs. Chloe Jacquelyn Makinano. ###

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