Trainings’ Success: A First Hand Choice

Teacher III
Baobaoan Elementary School
East Butuan District II

Each school year entails other obstacles and improvements that may arise, giving us choices to adapt or go against the tide. Yet wiping the slate clean is the safest thing to do. Although the number of enrollees plays with every number, teacher responsibilities continue to rise. It is convenient to suggest that teachers can do a better job, but teaching is already a career that is physically and mentally laborious. With this to expand the foundations of learning, a teacher should be equipped with knowledge and skills. What should a teacher do to be properly qualified to execute the tasks? Many educators would definitely return to doing the same stuff as before, maybe. Yet it’s clear that the new curriculum is being adapted by the system. This feat is aimed at achieving a strong reputation in the international community as it concerns integrity and competitiveness. It looks like the tasks involved are massive and a long row to hoe. How do educators know which activities work best? How are they going to respond to this?

Teachers in our system certainly have distinct abilities. It is beneficial to have trained teachers with outstanding profiles and they set a positive tone for the workforce. Nevertheless, knowledge and expectations are not the sole foundation of one’s success. Many educators, old and new, are capable of working with outstanding skills, although some are certainly unable to perform the tasks they are expected to perform. The importance of lectures, training and workshops for professional development must be taken into account in this state of affairs. There must be a well-designed preparation and carefully structured curriculum for teachers to work effectively, to enable them to increase their effectiveness and efficiency.

Education offers not only precedents, but resources to quickly and efficiently advance the performance of educators. Successful preparation is an important instrument for the practice of one’s career. The positive rewards of training include improvement of technical and administrative skills, growth of self-esteem, great encouragement, creativity provisions, and the building up of 21st teaching means and capacities and the implementation of new technologies. On the other hand, with the attitudes and behaviors of the respondents, the students, the degree of training impacts and effects can be calculated and identified. However in fact, each participant has its own motivation for presence and manifests various responses. For others, participation is just a clear and casual duty to demonstrate that they are really involved actively. Some participants regarded themselves as top dogs, too loud towards the speaker or the other, physically present but mentally thought. Some behave like paper tigers who demonstrate their partial wits with the party blatantly. For trivial purposes, others drag their feet. Some take out all the stops, vigorously doing their hardest. As a result, the preparation becomes the physical, mental and social battle field of a practitioner.

“From a small beginning, great things come.” Indeed for quite a few times this assertion has been hackneyed, but reality wise, without doing and going through the process, no one has ever made it to the top, regardless. Each teacher is known as a lifetime trainee and means a courageous act of defying new challenges to achievement with every step one takes. The overall success of training profoundly relies on the integration of available resources, willpower, and resources to achieve prolific results in the field, a holistic development. The actual development of one may however, be calculated by the actual adaptation of acquired learning, and applied to the recipients of the cause. Eventually, making change for the avowed reason of the profession is a personal preference. ###

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