Tungao Central ES organizes capacity-building for teachers and pupils

by: Jonas H. Jomonong, Ph. D.

A one-day orientation on conflict resolution, gender and development (GAD), child protection policy (CPP) and Child Friendly School System (CFSS), and school grievance machinery was conducted on March 22, 2017 at Tungao Central Elementary School Multi-Purpose Hall.

Mrs. Jessebel D. Arcalas, faculty president gave her opening remarks.  She emphasized on the role of stakeholders in maintaining a sustainable and eco-friendly learning environment.  The attendance of participants was checked and recognized by Mrs. Sabuga, a grade-III adviser.  On the other hand, Mrs. Edna G. Baiño, a grade-six adviser shared the statement of purpose of the said learning engagement.

Gender and Development (GAD) was the first session topic which was discussed by Mrs. Elizabeth T. Torralba, Butuan City Government GAD representative.  Her talk focused on the basic concepts and principles on GAD and its legal basis, strategies, consciousness raising and participation in advocating GAD.  She also differentiated sex from gender, gender role and socialization, some gender issues affecting women and men.  She disclosed that education sector plays a very crucial role in developing gender sensitivity not only in the students but also in the society as well.  “Being gender sensitive means becoming aware of gender concerns in order to respond effectively to gender issues”, Mrs. Torralba said.

On the other hand, Dr. Bebelyn C. Corvera, CID chief of the division discussed the second topic on child protection policy and child-friendly school system.  She started her talk the importance of the implementation of CPP in school as a vehicle in nurturing children.  Different legal bases were also shared like Article XV, Section 3 (2), 1987 Constitution, Article XIV, Section 3 (2), 1987 Constitution and UN Convention on the rights of the child.  Dr. Corvera also comprehensively discussed some specific areas of concern such as peer abuse, child abuse, psychological and physical abuse, discrimination against children, child exploitation, and violence against children, corporal punishment and similar acts. Her discussion was highlighted on the different children’s rights and responsibilities.

Furthermore, Dr. Corvera shared some important concepts on CFSS and the ways on how to create a child-friendly school environment.  She ended her talk by encouraging teachers to protect the rights of the learners by teaching them what is right and wrong.

Dr. Jonas H. Jomonong, Principal III of TCES comprehensively discussed DepEd Order No. 35, s. 2004.  He first defined grievance machinery.  In addition, Dr. Jomonong shared on to create a working atmosphere that is conducive to supervisor-principal-employee relations and improve employee morale.  He also cited the various applications of grievance machinery in school and the jurisdiction of the school grievance committee.  On the other hand, he organized the school grievance committee to oversee the welfare of the employees.  It was also disclosed the different decisions of the SGC, its composition, its procedures, and responsibilities.

ASDS Jeanie L. Mativo talked on conflict resolution and positive thinking.  She began her talk on defining conflicts and conflict resolution.  She disclosed the right person responsible for effective communication, interpersonal communication and the ways on improving personal communication.  ASDS Corvera explained some positive constructive methods to resolve conflicts such as accommodation, compromise, concession and consensus.  She also shared some practices of constructive conflict resolution.

On the other hand, she made mention on some destructive conflict resolution such as attempting to prove who is right, bagging, deceiving, blowing up, lying and personal attacking.

She also shared some concepts on positive thinking and ended her talk by saying, “positive thinking would prevent from the occurrence of conflicts in the organization”.

The said activity was participated by the ASDS Jeanie L. Mativo, CID chief Dr. Bebelyn C. Corvera, SEPS in HRD David Carmelo, PSDS Carlito D. Carcueva, GPTA President Rey Raot-Raot, teachers, classroom presidents and SPG officers. ###

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